Really good pilot but I have reservations.
I do not trust the CW given how woke the rest of the arrowverse is. The teenage boys being in a central role concerns me becuase I fear there will be too much teenage angst and drama and not enough superman supermaning. Also, hugely displeased with what looks to be a race swapped Lex Luthor. If they wanted a black villain there are plenty they could have chosen from, if this is Lex its disrespectful to the source material, and insulting to blacks who apparently aren't allowed to have their own characters, just race swapped hand me downs of existing ones.

Positive points though, they did a surprisingly good job not outright demonizing small-town America. They actually did voice some of the problems we face and issues we have with city America, albeit with a bit of a confrontational approach. But even that is fair because at this point we've become fed up and justly confrontational.
The moments of family relations were good ones. Showing a 2 parent household with a father who may not know what he's doing but cares and tries to be present is sadly a rarity in media these days. There wasn't a forced injection of "girl power" right into your face too. The strong women in the series don't feel like they have to remind you that they're strong women. They just are, they do their thing and it shows in its own in their attitude and actions.

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@kaisaria They confirmed that he's not Lex and that he's his own character. I'm really hoping it doesn't become woke as it's pretty good this far!

@dastenhero Ooh, thanks for letting me know that, that is at least something positive. Not sure why they went with the name Luthor if he's going to be his own character, would have been smarter to go with something original so he doesn't have the association of Lex to live up to, in my opinion.
I'm hoping not too. I am also kind of hoping it doesn't have too many other crossovers with the rest of the Arrowverse that we have to keep up with. At one point in time I was watching all of those shows, but around 2 years ago they all got unbearably woke almost all at once and I just couldn't watch anymore. So I have no idea what has been going on in the rest of the 'verse since then.
