Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2021-03-03T23:24:15Z— updated 2021-03-09T20:06:24Z

Ralph was in the previous episode and was written out to have never existed now I guess. I meanwhile miss Caitlin and Cisco. I can care less about Iris coming back from mirror world.
The show will suck if Tom Cavanagh left as well. As it was this wasn’t a memorable premiere. Without Cisco and Caitlin.

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@jim222001 He made some comments years ago that don't fly with the current climate of politics. Cancel culture got him. And even GG (Barry) said some crap about it. Hope it gets the show because it's gone so downhill and it sucks now. Most of the cast is not on now I am hearing. WTH? Also CP is a Jussie Smollett friend. That tells me all I need to know about this SJW show.

@lawb68 Yeah I know. It’s like they wanted to make a point that words matter. So they looked through old tweets looking for someone they could fire.
Gustin acting all goody goody about it like he never makes mistakes. Is a reason I can barely stomach the show now.
