RuPaul: Bimini Bon-Boulash, I can't se... there's some actress that you look like and I can't...
Bimini Bon-Boulash: Meryl Streep?

I'm still laughing so hard with that :laughing:
Well not all were laughs this episode, this is the first time I cried over a lipsync, personally I think Lawrence was the least funny so I still don't know how she gets to the top, on the other hand I think A'Whora didn't bomb at all and since they gave "extra points" to other queens they should've give her as well for being first and confident.
Lawrence and A'Whora being pressed by Ellie's decision but if they were in her position I'm sure they will set her up to fail.
I'm just so sad... wether the bottom two would be it should've been a double shantay, sending any of them home this week it just doesn't make sense with my fantasy.

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