What an absolutely botched ending to an otherwise strong show. Spoilers: Monica and Darcy are completely tossed aside, Evan Peters is entirely wasted as Quicksilver in favor of a dick joke, the writers show zero creativity in leaving characters to die and Wanda has ultimately learned nothing about her magic, ending the show exactly where she stood 8 years ago before 'Age of Ultron'. What a complete mess devoid of consequences, leaving characters storylines wide open for projects years away instead of tying character arcs up. Wanda apologises to the town members after tortuing them for weeks and we're supposed to feel bad when her fake children are erased? No, sorry, you're responsible for that. Monica really told Wanda the town should be grateful.... after she released them from their torture slavery. Wanda belongs on the Raft, Avengers need bodycams after this abuse. This is exactly what the Sokovia Accords were for. This isn't a show, it's a promotional ad to go see the next Marvel thing. I thought they were doing something special when the show began, embracing the wierd and unexplained magic in the MCU, but by the end the Marvel formula is intact and the story falls into laziness.

Who the hell was the missing person Jimmy Woo had in witness protection to begin with?

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@fbwf Not really surprising when Kevin Feige said so himself that we wants Marvel fans who won't watch the Disney+ shows to still be able to follow the storylines without feeling like they're missing something. This is basically Agents of SHIELD with Avengers in it.

@fbwf Well she learned how to draw runes somehow?? in 2 hours?

@fbwf I can't say I disliked the finale as much as you did, but I agree that that they threw away Evan Peters as Quicksilver.

@fbwf Totally agree. This sort of episode is the exact reason I completely gave up on the MCU/Marvel films about a decade ago. It all ends up being so generic and cheap feeling, especially when it's always 80% CGI battles, 10% story, and 10% milking people's nostalgia of the comics.

The middle was an entertaining concept, but they've erased that so now we're left with nothing.

@fbwf she didn't really apologized to the town members tho.

@funger92 I mean...they felt her pain and her grief. They knew she was sorry. You could see it on her face and they were right there. Would you be able to face a town of angry people after you lost your husband and imagined children that you convinced yourself were real?

@fbwf I thought there were wasted opportunities, yes, but I cried my eyes out at the ending. I'm really not sure why it isn't evident why she's not a bad person - yes, she caused the problem. Yes, she is at fault and is responsible. Yes, she should have apologized, and yes, she should probably be held accountable. That being said, what she did to the townspeople was not permanent. The worst she did physically was choke everyone by accident. She's mentally ill, vulnerable, and grieving the loss of the only person in her life who could truly provide her comfort. All she wanted was a normal life - she didn't actually mean to hurt anyone and she's horrified when she realizes that her actions are hurting the townsfolk. This is explicitly established when she denies their cries and argues that she is taking care of them and that they are happy under her protection. It's a major step on boundaries and human rights for her to pull her stunt, but she's also in need of love and therapy, not more human rejection. While it's understandable that the humans would be upset - and in fact, they should be - I still don't think that makes her RAFT worthy. She fixed her mistakes once she made them, even though they hurt her a lot.

@dastenhero So you're just dismissing any long-lasting psychological trauma she may have caused to the townspeople, including children?! They should just understand that she was grieving and cut her some slack?!
Would you have said the same if this was about a male serial kidnapper or rapist?


Who the hell was the missing person Jimmy Woo had in witness protection to begin with?

Maybe that was Agnes/Agatha?

@fbwf I was rooting for Agatha to win as she was right

@funger92 exactly, she never even bothered, if anything, she looked at them disdainfully as if she was the victim


OPReply by Fbwf
Blocked2021-03-08T00:16:10Z— updated 2021-03-09T03:34:48Z

@dastenhero I don't think she's a bad person but actions have consequences and she's one of the most powerful forces on the planet and she showed zero control or regard for those around her. She absolutely causes permanent damage. Trauma is permanent as literally depicted by her losing Pietro and Vision and she inflicted that permanent trauma on an entire town of people. They have to live with that fear of her in the back of their minds forever. And yes physically she almost killed them all despite catching herself. I know she never set out to hurt them but she's continuing a cycle of devastation regardless of her intent. It was her duty to fix her mistakes not something that deserves praise IMO. Whether it's the RAFT or not she deserves consequences for her reckless endangerment of other people. She's proven she doesn't learn from her actions, lest we forget she killed people in Lagos as well. If left unchecked she's a danger to the entire world. At the very least I would have liked to see Hawkeye or Dr Strange come in an take her somewhere to keep the world safe.

@fbwf The people who died in Lagos were killed when she threw a bomb in the air and it blew up the building. If she hadn't done that people in the market would have died.

The people in the building were likely Wakanda's equivalent to the CIA anyway.

@niquarl "Anyway" are you kidding? Theyre still human beings. And they were Wakandan aid workers there to save lives. She saved lives below yes but ended Wakandan lives in their place. I'm side Cap so im not saying they shouldnt have been there, but Wanda has never shown awareness or regard for the destruction she can cause to others around her. At the end of the day she hasn't learned after repeated incidents and is dangerous.

@erebos Those two roles are no where near comparable as the intentions are totally different. And yes, that's why I mentioned that the townspeople are justified in rejecting her. It doesn't make it any more tragic for literally everyone involved.

@dastenhero The intentions are exactly the same: emotional gratification.

@fbwf Monica didn't say the Westview residents should be 'grateful', she said they shouldn't hate Wanda because she sacrificed a lot, and her actions came from grief. I disagree that she should be on the Raft, Wanda created the hex entirely by accident and was a tortured soul, before she was forced to confront it in the episode's climax. She wasn't a dangerous person when she placed people under the hex, she was misunderstood.

@dastenhero She wasn't aware she was hurting them but it sure seems that she was aware she was mind controlling them! Sure that's better - barely. Like the difference between kidnapping and torturing a whole town vs kidnapping and keeping them unconscious. She thought she was merely (hah!) kidnapping them, turns out she was also torturing them. The only reason anyone is not seeing her as an outright villain, if one with a sad backstory is that the show is doing backflips trying to present her as not so bad. And still rather failing imo.

I think, I think, we are going to see more stuff on doctor strange 2, where she is gonna play a main role
