Review by Paladin5150

Debris: Season 1

1x03 Solar Winds

Dang these fracking allergies!!! Not quite "Ninja" level great, but pretty darn close. The writers deciding to channel Close Encounters of the Third Kind, was what IMO, gave the episode some much needed heart, while also introducing a new "squint", to the team. One of the unintended consequences of wormhole, or FTL travel possibly being that if and when you return home, everyone you knew and loved, will have either aged significantly, or, might even be long dead and gone.

Some genuinely touching concepts explored, in the idea that love can maintain a connection over time and space, possibly through shared (lucid?) dreams. They could have driven the point home a bit more if the Father had finished the Daughters sentence(s), but, Bryan's eyebrows would have to suffice.

The net is closing around Maddox and his double (triple) dealing. You can't serve TWO masters, as you will hate one and love the other, or vice-versa. Last scene though, shows something else may be afoot.

What's the over-under on Bryan spilling the beans to Fiona in the next couple episodes, or before Dad two point oh, shows up on MI6"s surveillance somewhere?

It seems the Nabob's reports of "Debris" eminent demise may have been exaggerated..... We shall see.

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