Shout by Babazoolay

The Flash: Season 7

7x03 Mother

Terrible episode, maybe on of the worst of the show. Incredibly cringey, I mean come on; using the power of love to bring the speed force back? Iris getting powers? Villain calling herself Mirror Monarch? It's just getting incredibly lazy from the writers at this point. The Wells character was underwhelming and he can time travel, whatever :man_shrugging:. Ralph coming back as daft punk, they really should have cut his and sues storyline out. I feel like giving up this show but I'm too invested.

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@babazoolay Yes, the writing is very bad but the CGI is amazing and I really like Grant Gustin as The Flash so it's still entertaining for me even though the ending of the female Mirror Master was weak and there are many characters that are like fillers meant to take up space in the episode. The only characters I care about in this show are Thawne, Barry, Cisco, Caitlin and Wells, in that order, everyone else was just added in for racial diversity and don't actually matter. I don't mind having a racially diverse cast as long as the writing remains good but they seem unable achieve that.

And yes, it was extremely obvious when they showed Ralph with a huge mask on, they even made the actor wear gloves to hide their skin color because they knew that otherwise fans would start rumors on whether the new actor is white or not.

As for the cliffhanger, the blue lightning seems like foreshadowing for Episode 5 since the villain in the episode description is said to be Psych which comes from the Sage Force which has blue lightning. Maybe he will become the season's main villain or maybe he will last just that one episode, I guess we will see.
