3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’:

  1. I enjoyed it. There’s no doubt about that. It was a well-structured journey, giving us more quality time with Cyborg and The Flash. All kinds of epic, absolutely worthy of a four-hour film. As it grew closer to the climax, there was something missing that I just can’t quite pinpoint. But it’s all good. So different from Marvel in all the right ways. DC truly has so much untapped potential.

  2. I definitely have my qualms: a) Batman felt a bit insignificant here. Other than a couple gadgets and vehicles — and playing the role of recruiter — it just didn’t feel like he was a major force in this battle. b) I have the unpopular opinion that Momoa is wildly miscast in this role and the Snyder Cut didn’t save it. He has occasional moments (particularly one-liners) but, overall, his Aquaman just doesn’t leave a lasting impression. c) I feel the same about Amy Adams and Eisenberg. d) I love “Hallelujah” and that was probably the worst rendition I’ve ever heard.

  3. There were some great music moments. One major standout for me was “Song to the Siren” by Rose Betts. I absolutely love the song and the Flash scene that accompanied it. Such a talented artist.

Bonus Thought: I do agree with a fellow commenter that they were VERY lax with the secret identities in this movie. Very careless.

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