Review by Dahj Asha

Toy Story 1995

The CGI in this movie obviously shows it's age but it was interesting to see how CGI looked 25 years ago. "It was the first entirely computer-animated feature film, as well as the first feature film from Pixar." [0]

From the rendering it's obviously worse than what we could do today in real-time but I assume at that time it was amazing. However, I was most impressed by the animations. I would assume they didn't have things like motion/performance capturing at that time and likely not even decent skeletal animation / rigging systems to make the animators' lives easier (i.e. it was pretty tricky to create those animations). The story/idea was kinda interesting and there where some funny moments but I was basically only watching it for some CGI history (probably fun to see how the CGI improves towards the 4th movie).
Some interesting facts: ("27 animators worked on the film [...] To sync the characters' mouths and facial expressions to the actors' recorded voices, animators spent a week per eight seconds of animation. [...] rendering on a "render farm" of 117 Sun Microsystems computers [...] Finished animation was produced at a rate of around three minutes a week. Depending on its complexity, each frame took from 45 minutes up to 30 hours to render. The film required 800,000 machine hours and 114,240 frames of animation in total.")

Btw: "Toy Story's cast of characters forms the basis for the naming of the releases of the Debian computer operating system, from Debian 1.1 Buzz, the first release with a codename, in 1996, to Debian 11 Bullseye, the most-recently announced future release." [1] (but Debian Sid is the only "release" I've used that is named after a character from the 1st movie).

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