We can't end every episode with a character reveal. All the people who hated WandaVision for "being so slow". Well this is the show for you because it's basically a marvel movie without any of the recap. If you don't know who everyone is before you started episode one this series is just a mess. SO many people wanted to know if they could watch WandaVision without seeing Marvel movies first and it's so doable with so little information. "She's a witch, he's an android" that's it. TFatWS is so far the opposite. I've seen every MCU property and I'm still barely keeping it straight. I'm sure this will be the most fun for the people who do the entire MCU marathon and having just watched 15 movies going right into this it will feel great but watching it live is still not that good. It's just so hard to care about anything or anyone in this series.

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@wolfkin Why do people want to compare WandaVision to this? They're 2 separate shows. Don't build strawmen

@aniforprez It's not a strawman. By no means am I attacking the show for being less accessible than WandaVision. A strawman would be if I said the show was something it's not and then attacked it for that.

They're consecutive shows part of a greater storytelling unit. If anything they SHOULD be compared. The same way Black Widow and Shang Chi should be compared. The way Iron Man and Doctor Strange should be compared. My only point in the comment is that WandaVision got a lot of questions about how good is it for new MCU people and ironically Falcon/Soldier is the show that needs the most preparation.

@wolfkin I completely agree with everything you said! So difficult to get invested in characters and plot points here. Much of it requires making so much sense of so much backstory.

@tvwatcha3 I anticipate this show will be much more enjoyable the second time around . But for a show with a message that's honestly a little more upfront than the one in WandaVision (if actually more complicated than just "grief is grief"), it's just so hard to even think about the themes of the show when you can barely understand the players and what they are, and what they represent.
