Review by Daniel

A Stray Goat 2017

When films have a moral story which often most films do convey lesson to be learn and so forth, this movie sets it very literal. More so to be said with a title like that with a plot that surrounds us viewers with two kids as the main driving exposure to this town dilemma the film showcase. A family together comes back home to Goseong with their son, local girl whose present is branded daily by something that happened which she has to carry the burden.

With this two premises is where the movie encapsules these two kids in a drama with a plot that is very unexplained, having the movie make you put two and two together which is respectable to all viewers and more so for those who are avid thinkers plot solvers when films are made in such ways, which are open for interpretation when it comes to it and more so at the end of the story.

When Innocence has been defaulted by associations and those who are lacking to help or do something about, often felt incompetent to act accordingly. When help is finally at hand but once again innocence is struck by unfortunate events, once more the dilemma presents itself to let itself known this two kids and their lives, are at stray.

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