What, are you kidding me? This show was on for 90in WOW.
WOW, look at all the trees in the back.
WOW, a door handle!
WOW, a window that can open.
WOW, The sun is out today!!!
WOW, Im drunk after taking a shot every time someone said WOW!!!!!!

625K appraised value of the winning house.
Christ thats cheap. & they only added $150k to the value.
I bet its because of the location. Who wants to buy a house so close to the edge.
Also, the wrong people won.

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@mysunflower The wrong people won only if you assume that the best house renovation should win. That's not how Rock The Block works. They choose the team who's HGTV show needs the most help in viewership to win. :laughing:
