Shout by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-04-23T10:38:20Z— updated 2021-07-06T05:07:13Z

As Cosmonaut Marcus writes, "It was whatever."

  • There's no tension in the fights because, of course, they're going to win.
  • Falcon with the save! Superheroes are actually saving people; thank you.
  • The story: I'm right, discouraged by obstacles, I'm right again; no lesson learned
  • Bucky saved some people!
  • Do all these ordinary people train or just happen to know karate (the Flag Smashers)?
  • And Walker doesn't go for the save.
  • Nvm, Walker goes for the save!
  • Wow, Sharon is the Power broker; what a relevant revelation. It's nice to know our theorists are right.
  • Karli wishes she was Killmonger, huh?
  • Falcon: You're right; I don't understand, but you Senators need to start asking "why?"!
  • "U.S. Agent"? Ok, sure.
  • WoAh, I wonder what AGeNt CArTer is up to?

There are some important messages but no revelations, lessons or challenges. Falcon just hears Bradley say, "don't do it", and does it and does fine, because...? So he had self-doubt, hears more doubt from someone else, but does it anyway?

SCORE 5/10

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8 replies

I'm reading your comment, but all I see is someone trying too hard to find something wrong with the show. Sorry you didn't succeed. The show was awesome. Your nit picky nonsense? Not so much.

@clobby-clobsters 'There's no tension in the fights because, of course, they're going to win.' - I'm sorry but what a ridiculous criticism to make. The protagonists win in most action shows or films. The tension isn't in whether they're going to win, it's in how they're going to win and at what cost.

And you're making this comment about a universe where the heroes lost to a dramatic degree, in a film that released as soon as 2018 (Avengers Infinity War). This is the fictional universe with the smallest guarantee that the heroes will win!

@clobby-clobsters You haters try too hard, honestly, this is a guy who vanished for 5 years who ended up finally winning. You lack a fundamental understanding of storytelling. People don't want to see villains succeed in the end especially if they get victories along the way.

@whopottervian This isn't a criticism, it's just how I felt. I don't find it to be a ridiculous reaction because I don't care about the characters (never felt they were in danger, besides Falcon for a bit) and don't buy the narrative stakes. Have you ever seen a show or movie where you didn't care about what was going on? I'm not trying to say they're bad, they just didn't work for me. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Also, Infinity War is one of the only few where the villain either wins philosophically and/or literally. And if you look at the win rate for the heroes in all the movies, I think you'll see why I think the heroes in this universe would win.

If you like it, more power to you! :)

@bcstorey I'm just writing down my thoughts, like anyone else on here. Only 5/12 of my points had negative intent anyway. I never had an intention to hate the show, but with all this time I've invested, I'm just tired, you know? If you saw my review of episode 1, you would've seen how optimistic I was; I was rooting for this one to succeed.

If you enjoy it, I'm happy for you. But I have to ask: what are you accomplishing by telling me I'm "wrong"?

I liked your comment, btw. Because if I loved the show and read your reply, I'd think you did a good job at making fun of the commenter with the "Sorry you didn't succeed. The show was awesome. Your nit picky nonsense? Not so much." line. It's actually pretty good.

@paulvincent83 I'm not asking for the villains to win (who would? They're the villains!). What I'm saying is that I never once believed the Karli's mission was going to succeed (like Killmonger in Black Panther). I never felt like the heroes were in danger because they were only kicking ass.

And with regards to my poor understanding of storytelling, could you recommend any resources that could help me improve? I'm always looking for ways to get better, so feel free to even criticise me some more, because i want to learn!

Also, I gave this a 6/10; a 3/5, I don't hate this show, most of my ratings are 6/10s or 7/10s.

@clobby-clobsters "There's no tension in the fights because, of course, they're going to win."

There's a time & place to be a jaded "GALAXY BRAIN" viewer, then there's just kicking back, having fun watching some good super hero stuff. And getting all BIG BRAIN on a superhero movie/show is just cringe. Who are you flexing to...?

MCU Movies have always been like this, and never tried to be life chaining complex narrative efforts. They're just meant to be fun.
The good guy wins, big fights, cinematic moments, etc. That's what comic books are. That what this genre is. Going into this show 23 movies & 1 TV show deep nonetheless, and complaining about it now is just tiresome to me

And to be fair they just went through one movie where the good guys completely lost, and then one movie where they "won" but 3 main characters (most likely) died permanently...

TL;DR Just have some fun man, its not that deep.

@mattdeezly1996 "This isn't a criticism, it's just how I felt. I don't find it to be a ridiculous reaction because I don't care about the characters (never felt they were in danger, besides Falcon for a bit) and don't buy the narrative stakes. Have you ever seen a show or movie where you didn't care about what was going on? I'm not trying to say they're bad, they just didn't work for me. ¯(ツ)/¯"

"And getting all BIG BRAIN on a superhero movie/show is just cringe. Who are you flexing to...?"

  1. I'm not flexing to anyone. I tried to sit back and relax with this one, but it leaned very heavily on its narrative (there's a lot of talking in this show, fewer jokes than usual), so it's asking me to take it seriously. Just because it's a Marvel series doesn't automatically make it the same as all the others. Different people made it, directed it and wrote it. If there were more action and jokes, something similar to Phase 3, I'd sit back and relax, easy. But from what I can tell, they tried something different here, and it didn't hit the mark for me. Plus, it's way longer than the usual Marvel fare.

  2. If there's someone else out there, like me, who didn't like the show, I think it's nice to let someone else know they're not crazy for having a bad time with something a majority of the viewership enjoyed.

"MCU Movies have always been like this, and never tried to be life chaining complex narrative efforts."

People come to these movies/TV shows, like all movies/TV shows, for different reasons. I came for entertainment and a decent story. Some of these movies have proved to do one or the other, or both. Which ones did is entirely subjective. So, I won't waste your time with that.

"And to be fair they just went through one movie where the good guys completely lost, and then one movie where they "won" but 3 main characters (most likely) died permanently..."

Infinity War is the exception, and it's also an event movie; the entirety of Phases 1-3 was building towards them, so I think they'd take the risk. And with "3 main characters (most likely died permanently...", I believe they will stay dead (for a while at least), but news sites and fan theorists predicted their departures, which were marked by contracts anyway, so it wasn't hard to see coming. Again, Infinity War and Endgame are event movies, like a season/series finale type thing. So something like a main character's death is more likely to happen (most of them came back from Infinity War, and those who died didn't renew their contracts).

TL;DR: I read yours, and I know it's not deep, but it's trying to be. See Falcon's speech.
