Fun concept, but I'm having a real hard time getting over the fact they thought the best way to cross a stretch of desert full of flying monsters was ... on a god damn boat of all things, but NOT even below deck hidden in their cabins !

Oh, no, much safer out in the open right on deck ... wut ??

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@alexnader I'm guessing at least some of them need to stay outside to lead the ship and would need protection in case a monster gets close, idk about the cartographers tho

@alexnader it's not really addressed in the books either, but my best guess is that since transport is still stuck in the pre-industrial era in this world (no steam engine etc.), they need to built the lightest vessels possible so that the Squallers can actually move them by controlling the wind. That means no metal, leaving them with wood, and wood is pretty much useless againts the volcra anyway since they can tear it into shreds in seconds. So it doesn't really matter if they stay below deck or on it cause if they're attacked they're all dead anyway
