What I don't get is why Kirigan's mother waited until the very last second to tell Alina the truth about him... They spent weeks training together, I'm sure she had plenty of opportunities to come forward but instead she kept quiet until Alina was halfway to Boneville with the guy smh. I'm kind of disappointed because I find Alina and Mal as love interests really boring (I just don't vibe with childhood friends-to-lovers stories at all). Right now the Crows are the only thing keeping me watching.

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@aniela-krajewska now we know why it's called "Shadow and Bone"

@aniela-krajewska Because she wanted her to collaborate until she is properly trained and powerful enough to have a chance against him. If she knew the truth from the start she'd probably try to escape or do something stupid

@aniela-krajewska Yes. It was complete nonsense. Why would Kirigan allow her to spend time with his mom in the first place?

@inspecthor I'm reading the books right now (halfway through siege and storm atm) and I have to say, it is a lot better explained in the books. I understand it now. But even in the source material they never quite say why Baghra is allowed around Alina in the first place if the Darkling's goal was to keep her weak until he could slap a collar on her. You'd think a dude like him would have imprisoned Baghra somewhere so she doesn't mess up his plans or spill his secrets.
