on the last scene why not disable lydia and take the car? no keys, learn to hot wire damn it

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@jIrona I'm not sure where the show is headed, but it just needs to stop already. June was just shown being transported in a prison van and she was restrained. Lydia also said that the handmaids were too few and they put a ton of effort into finding and capturing them. And yet the driver just opens fire on them? This show is getting ridiculous.

@jirona Why not wait for the single driver to approach the rear of the van and ambush him? Why wait this long to kill off 5 main characters? Lazy writing.

@jirona Wether we understand or not, Aunt Lydia is kind of a distorted mother figure to the girls. She DOES have their well being in consideration and as a priority. But her principles are messed up.
She welcomes, grooms, feeds and educate them. A bond is formed.
