If you overlook the premise of it all, since having specialised superhuman clones doesn't fit the overarching Clone Wars story and is especially illogical in terms of them being one of a kind, this is actually really enjoyable in terms of worldbuilding the galaxy far away.
The timeframe at the very end of the clone wars is incredibly interesting.

So far the main characters are unfortunately very clishee and their designs don't really seem to come from Star Wars.
I must tip my head however to animators who created the newest addition to the cast! She was instantly recognisable as a female version of young Boba/clones.

What is most of a shame however is that writers for Star Wars seem to always default back to a story revolving around a force sensitive being. And a force sensitive Clone is not only unnecessary but just stupid.
Yes, it was subtle but to anyone having watched anything Star Wars it should be absolutely obvious. We will see how much of a role her ability is actually going to play. Maybe it will remain incidental ...

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