Review by Lorna

Army of the Dead 2021

I do love Zombie flicks, new, old, corny, comedy and even awful. I was excited when I first heard this was coming to Netflix, but I didn’t hold out huge expectations, after all most zombie films aren’t well done.

I was even less hopeful when I saw the cover art and thought it would fall in to the category of corny or comedy. Then, 5 minutes in to the film, my heart sunk and I expected bad things.

However, in fairness it’s not a bad film overall, but it’s not exactly a typical zombie film. It’s more of an action adventure about a heist with zombies thrown in for good measure. A great zombie horror, is about the fear of being eaten alive, your loved ones turning and the suspense etc; this film didn’t have any of this.

It wasn’t a disaster at all, I still enjoyed their take on zombies. I definitely felt a ‘Silent Hill’, ‘Michael Corvin - Underworld’ and ‘Legend’ influence.
Sadly, it went too far when the main zombie was riding a horse, especially with such poise and he was wearing a cloak, this spoilt it for me.

Generally, I thought they did a decent attempt at the zombies, but they either took too much on or ran out of budget. There were a couple of spotlight scenes on the zombies, where apart from ripped clothes, they were missing makeup and simply looked like people jumping about. The first time it happened was when the main zombie went with his hoard to rescue his mate. That spoilt things slightly for me and I lost my concentration.

I was quite annoyed towards the end; our main character left the roof to fly directly to another building. The main zombie at this point is downstairs, deep in the building, outside the safe. Seconds later, our main zombie is galloping on his horse, moments from reaching the building which the main character was on route too, in his helicopter. And above, but behind the zombie on a horse, is the helicopter :helicopter:? How on earth did the zombie get ahead? There were a few errors such as this, I’m not sure how these weren’t rectified.

I did enjoy the wee twist at the end. They made you feel it was going to have a predictable end with certain characters, but it didn’t. But, only swapped it for another predictable ending, which left it wide open for a sequel. Very corny, but fun.

I’m being picky obviously, I give the film an 8. But, that’s more for overall enjoyment. It was fun to watch.

It’s a good, solid, enjoyable, fun film, but if you’re a die hard zombie fanatic, please don’t watch it expecting that fix you need, it will be a disappointment.

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