I'm so disappointed that a show with such an interesting premise turned out to be complete and utter trash. There are so many things wrong with this show that listing them all would take too much time. It's exhausting to watch a rape victim being blamed by everyone around him and the fact that the writers thought it a good idea for him to find his happy ending by forgiving his rapist and letting go of his wish to remain child free is absolutely disgusting. What kind of statement are they trying to tell by writing this? Why are they trying to teach their audience that such behaviour is ok? I truly thought we had come further than this. And then there's Marina. A woman who was taken advantage of by a man, gets slut shamed by everyone in every single episode, and ends up married to a stranger so her family will finally get rid of her. I truly do not understand how such stories can be told in this day and age without anyone in the production questioning it.

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