What is even going on with this season? Is it bad that I'm not even sad about Cisco leaving? what does that say about me as a fan this many seasons deep and the direction this show is heading? Guess better not think about it or I'll be depressed.

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@fandomgirl08 this season has just been a sh*t show where things have just kinda been happening with little build up, explanation or payoff and then they move onto the next thing. I didn't feel anything about Cisco leaving when I really should have. In fact, I haven't felt anything at all at this season other than feeling like most of the storyline for it has been really really stupid.

@fandomgirl08 Yeah it is like you aren’t sad, you just don’t blame him.

@woffingshire Go to anything CW on Twitter. Is a huge paragraph everywhere about how words matter.
This season is them drilling it our skulls that words matter since it’s what the CW wants.
Yet the Iris actress got away with old tweets acting like trans people are gross.
