Review by Aars

Shrill: Season 2

2x08 HR

I would love for this show to be centered around the weekly torn and everyone's work dynamic (yes like the office but with millenials and gen z) cause I live for Maureen, Andy, Ruthie, Amadi, even Gabe when he isn't being a jerk and he's just being Cruella or David Bowie. Or better yet I would love for this show to be centered around Fran and her family, friends, community. So this is my polite way of saying that so far Annie's character/journey hasn't lived up to my expectations, like it it weren't for her weight, this would be a story about a very average white american girlie living a very average life :( I couldn't take it when Amadi was talking about how proud he is with his job and how much he enjoys it, and Annie was just making pain faces because of Ryan... like what? that's the worst friend ever! always so self-centered and whining about the same damn thing RYAN!
And she breaking up with Ryan wasn't the self empowerement, #bossgirl, badass bitch move they are trying to make it be, cause it's way long overdue. Like Amadi said, we know he's dumb and useless, and yes she explains why she stayed with him and it's a very valid reason (scared of putting herself out there and being rejected) but like hello being single also is a valid option. Sorry if I sound like a jerk but I don't have a lot of patience for people who choose to date Ryans and then complain about 24/7 after everyone told them they shouldn't date a Ryan.

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