Shout by Caesar

Jennifer's Body 2009

I remember not liking this back then. It's currently streaming on Hulu and apparently one of the films that has emerged as a cult classic over the past years so I figured it's time for a rewatch. It's definitely better this time around. Quite entertaining and campy. I love the homoerotic moments between the protagonist and the antagonist. I really like Amanda Seyfried here. She's likable and gives a realistically tormented performance. That said, everything else is generic. I find Megan's character lacks the depth that Seyfried has. This film also offers very little scares, laughs, and satisfying kills. The satire is kinda wishy washy and the payoff could be better. I get why it has a large following because of the bisexual representation. I just wish the theme is a bit more sharply defined. Still enjoyable nonetheless.

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