Shout by ragreynolds

Pretty good episode... until the last minute. WTF was that? Shouting that she'll kill the guy who's been helping her this whole time? Kinda cringe, and didn't make much sense.

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@ragreynolds more mansplaining women's rage :sleeping:

it just shows how much more she hates Waterford than Gilead.

@ragreynolds ...he repeatedly raped her. I think it's pretty damn understandable that she'd flip the fuck out when told he's been set free.

@ragreynolds So, helped = used? Yikes.

@ragreynolds Tuello been helping her so long as it benefits him and his agenda. The man has had his own motivation outside of helping Jude or even Serena this entire time. He's been putting all of this into place to get Waterford as a source and nothing more.
Not to mention, June has been quietly furious from day one. This reaction is totally in character, especially since she's been in Canada and able to more freely express that rage. She thought she was finally getting the justice she deserves from the man who kept her captive and raped her, and then this guy pulls the rug out from under her. Her exploding like that is completely understandable.

@ragreynolds It really does make sense. Put yourself in her shoes, being raped for years and years by the same man. And now the person who was supposed to be on your side clearly has a bigger agenda than serving justice properly and betrays you. Her reaction is extremely human and realistic.

@souppeh you say that as if Tuello is just wronging June to further some personal goals or something. In reality, he's doing something for the greater good. With Waterford as a source he will be able to save countless more people and get justice for them. Of course June would be upset, but she's also shown herself to be smart and understanding. She's always been willing to 'take one for the team' so to speak. Sure, she could get her own justice, but how does that help the rest of the people still in Gilead? How does that help her own daughter? With Waterford as a source instead, it means she's way more likely to get her daughter back, and also for countless other people to be saved. Tuello did the objectively right thing, even though it sucks for June on a personal level.

@ragreynolds All of that is understandable from an objective point of view, but June's reaction is not objective. I'm sure she understands why Tuello did what he did, doesn't mean she's going to sit and take it or let it happen quietly. And as you pointed out, since she's always taken one for the team, all the more reason this would make her explode. It's the straw that broke the camel's back in that moment.

@ragreynolds Seriously this comment? lol
