Review by KyriaCrosszeria

The Bold Type: Season 4

4x09 5, 6, 7, 8


Review by KyriaCrosszeria
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-06-13T20:22:19Z— updated 2021-06-14T21:00:15Z

First ten minutes or so: Tell me a man wrote the script without telling me a man wrote the script.

Well, it was obvious that Ryan didn't just kiss that girl. But let's lean back and unfold how toxic Jane is, once again. She made a huge deal out of the "just kiss" thing, as if he'd done the worst thing ever. Then he tried to tell her the truth after she made such a huge deal out of how important truth is (I agree, but not with the way she handles it), yet she kept continuously cutting him off.

NOW that it's out, she'll likely blow up again and blame it all on him.

People make mistakes, yet she's so dishonest about it herself. It took her so much to get over a "just kiss", of course Ryan knew that if she ever found out late, it would all go to hell. He tried to make right by her, she kept blocking him from it, so in the end he just rolled with it. I get that. Now it's likely going to go to shit again, but is anyone looking at how her behaviour is way more toxic and unhealthy than his? I hope Ryan gets away from her. And Jane gets cancelled. Just, no, lady. No.

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