I jumped the gun a bit last week, before I realized there was one more episode to go, however, I will reiterate what I opined, and second what @Edward stated, that is, that, barring some colossal act of contrition and repentance, Ash has pretty much been lost to the Dark Side, and is indeed irredeemable. What's worse is that she is so blinded by her misplaced hatred and irrational vendetta against (specifically) Gary and (by proxy) the Team Squad, that she has joined forces with the genocidal Mass Murderer that actually DID kill her ADOPTED brother Fox. On TOP of that, she turned on Mooncake, which as @Edward also opined, is akin to killing(?) a PUPPY, and wearing its flayed carcass for a hat! If it is indeed true, then, there is NO coming back from that! Hopefully though, Mooncake, being comprised mainly of energy, which was needed to release Invictus, can somehow separate himself and re-corporeate somewhere down the road.

(Chookitty Paak! So say we all....)

Interestingly, Lil Cato found room in his heart to forgive his adopted father, Avocato for offing his birth parents, because, seeing baby Cato, and deciding to spare him and raise him as his own was what had given him the strength of will to become a better man then the pure mercenary killer he was before. In fact, ALL of the Team Squad have previously shown self-centered tendencies at one point or the other, but, they have grown and developed to learn, that, as another Alien amongst humans once explained, "the good of the many, outweigh the good of the few, or the one". Ash, on the other hand, has retrogressed inversely, becoming more and more self-centered, following the trope that "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Once she has destroyed all her "enemies" and broken all her toys, she will have no purpose, unless she plans on trying to take on Invictus for the title of biggest Azzhat in the Universe.

Kudos to Biscuit for being the cutest stand in for Montgomery "Scotty" Scott in Final, or any other realm of space. We, just need Sheryl or Gary to demand, "Biscuit, we need MORE POWER!!!!" To which his reply would of course be, "I'm givin er all she's got!"

Thanks Quinn, for putting another loop in the bendiness of the timey whimey wibbly wobbly and becoming NightQuinn, or QuinnFall, or...., nevermind. There is no fate but what we make...

...And last but never least, KVN for willingly being the annoying comic relief for 3 seasons, but finally getting his moment to show them what he's made of, and, apparently it's pretty STURDY stuff.

See you all next season!!!!

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