I definitely enjoyed the anime. probably a solid 7 out of 10.
BUT it has flaws that I am surprised isn't done right from the start. especially considering they don't have that much of a budget concern.
What do I mean?
First. they didn't stick with one animation style and even when they stuck to one kind in the later stages it was very, and I mean very lazy, such as repeat use of still frames and duplicate frames instead of showing actual motions for the fights.
Secondly, there has been allot of cut content that would have made the anime a bit longer, but honestly would have enhanced the anime far more than how it is now.

If Netflix wishes me to support this anime further, they NEED to step up their game in the next season and improve on the problems of season 1, if not, they basically wasted a perfectly good Manga over greed and they wouldn't have gotten much money out of it.

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