Shout by Freya Goddess

Hidden Love 2021

When I read about a show about Covid quarantine I wondered, what can they produce about that damn pandemic that hasn't been done? I was convinced that I won't be watching that.
The first episode even more convinced me that the show is... hmm... well stupid.
But as long as they progressed with the story of the past love and vie away from ghost slapstick comedy, the story became better and better.
This series is not without flaws. But in the end, I enjoyed it, and that's about it. I laughed, I awed, I shed tears and I rolled my eyes. but in the end, I'm happy that I watched that. That way I discovered Kantana and my new favs, Boss and Peter. I even could change (just a little bit) my mind about Net and the very bad impression he left on me in the equally bad I am Your King 2. I was impressed with Sun's acting ability and especially loved comic trio.
I give it 7/10.

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