Review by Clobby Clobsters

Loki: Season 1

1x03 Lamentis

  • That was whacky weird—I like it
  • 2077?
  • Beautiful planet
  • There's something beautiful about those two walking through the chaos
  • Put down your visor, Loki
  • They have an actual conversation like real people; this isn't the MCU
  • Thor reference
  • He's not drunk, just full
  • She called them fascists!
  • Bye Loki
  • Temper tantrum
  • I mean, you might as well try
  • They're all variants?
  • Such a long take

This episode is alright. Not as strong as the others, but it's still fun. The action scenes are cool, and Loki and Sylvia's banter is fun to watch. Although I enjoyed them venturing down this planet , some scenes seem either too easy or like a waste of time. They could pay stuff off later, but I'm unsure.

Anyway, I'm still invested, but I'm not in as much suspense as I was in the previous two episodes. Wondering "who is this variant Loki?" and "where did they go?" is a lot more intriguing than "how will they survive?!" Like, I don't believe they'll die, or that they'll use character instead of plot convenience to get them out. We'll see.

SCORE: 7/10

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@clobby-clobsters What's the betting that Mobius will track them down and save them?

@whopottervian I hope so! I need more Owen Wilson!
