Shout by A.JASEN


Season 4

This is the first season that feels truly like its own story. This season has a very interesting seasonal arc. Prior seasons had stories that went on over many episodes but those never really felt like the focus. Here the introduction of the new cast definitely feels like the focus of the season. I was concerned about how they would handle the end of last season but I think they handled each character's role in the aftermath pretty perfectly. The crowning achievement of this season is definitely the finale. It did what I thought this show could not and would not do. It topped Season 2's excellent finale. This 2-part finale is an absolute masterpiece. It hits on every level, it's gripping, surreal and most of all, very emotional. It's such a powerful episode(s) of television, really just excellent stuff here. Even if you don't like the new cast I'd stick through to the end for this finale.

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