Clearly inspired by The Last Jedi. And like 50 of my other favourite things. This show is an absolute treat.

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@thoroughmas Inspired by The Last Jedi, How?


OPReply by Thomas

@yedoost The throne room sequence, the teamup, easily killing who we thought was the big bad, and the burgeoning romance of two frenemies with a special magic between them.

Except it was good instead of awful such as TLJ


OPReply by Thomas

@danzoc I'm sorry to hear TLJ didn't match your expectations to such a degree that you need to bring it up here, but I hope you can at least appreciate its clever writing, challenging themes, stunning visuals, great performances and superb soundtrack. You're allowed to think its awful, but going around repeating that opinion like you need everyone to agree with you does grind my goat.

@thoroughmas Sorry to hear your goat was grind! It's a comment section, not an Absolute Truth corner, so everything here is just a bunch of personal opinions thrown around! I think this proves how Loki is great, since I fully agree that the points you mentioned in an early comment are very much the same in both series, but in TLJ they were generally seen as badly used and now it is reason for appraisal on Loki. It just shows to me that the context in which these plot points were used greatly affected the outcome! Still, we're both enjoying Loki very much, so Disney wins in the end!

@thoroughmas dude you are the one repeating your opinion about tlj.

@thoroughmas I thought of the Wizard of Oz.


OPReply by Thomas

@danzoc I dunno mate, perhaps you're right and every time anyone says TLJ is something they like, someone has to say underneath that it is awful, and the balance of the force is restored. I have no ill will towards you, I just wish it didn't have to be that way. <3

@the_argentinian same here. The moment I saw Ravonna talking to them at the start, I totally got that vibe
