Wow wow WOW. The first 2 episodes i didn't have much to say other than being excited for more. Episode 3 was something, but this one. Nexus Event.

ok, so i would like to say that i feel sorry that i don't think Sylvie is perfect. honestly i think it's mostly her appearance, the short wavy blonde hair, maybe the way she holds herself, maybe it's even the accent... but i really try to just focus on the aspects of her than make her a Loki. so in episode 3, yes we do get real connection between Loki and Sylvie, and yes it could have been partially romantic, but i was sure it was just connecting due to being one in the same. so the scene here where the hold hands before the apocalypse is just confusing? maybe just strange, since Mobius does a good job of explaining how of course Loki is so narcissistic he falls for himself. i guess giving Loki vulnerability is the intention here, but somehow it felt out of character for Loki to be so caught up about someone who isn't him, even if it kind of is him in a way?

ugh. one thing i could talk about from the first 2 episodes is how much I love the Loki/Mobius dynamic. (no I'm not a shipper). the conversations and jabs were glorious. so i really had to take a step back during the conversation they have where Mobius realizes Loki is attached to Sylvie and Mobius is done with him... and then later on in the episode they step back together as friends... just felt like being thrown around.

i gasped when they pruned Mobius and cried at Loki's reaction. the time lizards were so rediculous and obviously fake, especially with all the haze. loved a fight sequence with Loki and Sylvie back to back. and even though I wasn't really on board with the romantic relationship part, i really wanted that kiss to happen with that build up Loki had...

when i tell you i was so excited to see a snake with a crown and more Lokis! ugh I'm hyped!

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