Okay. So here's the short recap for everyone confused:
Geralt saved Duny, father of Ciri (the hedgehog), by calming Calanthe down. As the price for saving his life he got the Law of Surprise as payment: Whatever's already in Duny's possision without him knowing it, is now Geralt's. Paveta, Ciri's mother, was pregnant at that moment and Duny didn't know about it. Therefore Geralt is destined to be Ciri's foster father. But both Calanthe and Geralt weren't fans and didn't honour the deal. So Destiny got angry and fucked things up for Calanthe and her kingdom by letting Nilfgaard invade Cintra successfully. Geralt knew about Nilfgaard's advances and wanted to save Ciri from it - by doing that he fulfilled the Law of Surprise and took his role as Ciri's foster father seriously. But he was too late. Cintra has fallen, Calanthe killed herself, and Ciri is on the run. There she meet elf kid, wandering into the Brokilon, trusting and following fake Mousesack for some time, before realizing her mistake and running away from Nilfgaard again. They are searching for her, because she has a power that seems to fulfill a prophecy about something End of the World-ish.

As I said again and again before: The books are not really that much more straightforward, maybe even less than the Netflix series. And they are intertwining lore and background only explained in the saga with the short stories of the prequel books, while also fleshing out Yennefer's and Ciri's story. And all of that within 7 episodes.

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@slyazx Still not enough. Now we need pictures to understand these lines.

@atlantis14 It's not exactly written out in bold letters, especially considering the different timelines. That's true.
Though I personally don't find it more challenging than, let's say, The Expanse Season 1 or the politics in Game of Thrones. Dunkirk did a similar thing with timelines...
And to be honest: It's not really that import what happened when exactly. It seems to be one timeline for Season 2.

So in two and a half short sentence: Ciri seems to be somewhat destined to be with Geralt and they are trying to find each other (more or less). Nilfgaard is searching for Ciri for reasons. And Yennefer just exists for now.

Thank you for this !! Was so lost
