Shout by Sopherian van Ettinger

Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness 2021

I waited months for this, I was so excited! But I guess my expectations were too high... Since sadly enough it turned out to be a bunch of meh... ! It was alright...

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just a really meh and useless piece of the cannon, it was just meh, but at least was not horrible non cannonic bullshit like the movies

@sopherian "Meh" is exactly how I'd describe it. I don't know how much money got sunk into this but there wasn't one rememberable thing about this show. I'm pretty sure thats the definition of failure when it comes to tv/movies.

@sopherian But, you gotta admit, that scene when the hero of the movie smashed that rat with the fire extinguisher was pretty cool!!

@sopherian We know we could get better in any RE Movie or Tv series, We just are being disappointed by media producer, somehow if the story is wack the Character are good then if the story is good we don't get the character we want to see... and in recent cases if the good action scenes and monster horror showcase just with shit characters and a so so story
