Review by Joey van Maanen

Black Widow 2021


Review by Joey van Maanen

I wasn't as hyped for this as I was for other MCU-movies, but it turned out to be an extremely entertaining movie. It's not the best MCU-movie by a long shot, but the character of Black Widow deserved this sendoff imho. Unfortunately, they didn't nail everything...

During the start of the movie, I thought this was a good example of how you make a female led action movie without cringy and on the nose feminist bs (like the Supergirl series), and I liked that a lot. Then the predictable reveal that Taskmaster was Dreykov's daughter hit hard and all that goodwill went straight out the window. It felt suuuuuper forced and added nothing. Natasha and Yelena were awesome at the start, but after that reveal it felt forced and cringy again. It was another example of: let's cram as much women as possible in this movie, because we have to nowadays. It's so disappointing and completely unnecessary. What's wrong with female heroes beating up a male bad guy?

Speaking of the bad guy, they could've done much more with Taskmaster. It was great to see Bucky's knife flip (I screamed a little when I saw it), but the character deserved more screen time. Regardless of his/her gender. ;)

All in all: great ending to Natasha's arc and if Yelena takes over her mantel in the MCU for the next decade, I'm on board with that. She's great too.

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