Shout by Brandon McQueen

Lost: Season 6

6x04 The Substitute

If "Jacob had a thing for numbers" is all the explanation they give us about the numbers being everywhere. I have a feeling that all the other mystery explanations to come will be very disappointing as well. It's starting to seem like the writers just threw any weird mystery they could think of in the scripts with no idea how to explain them.

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@jarvis-2836163 There have been more in-depth explanations for the numbers. Specifically, they're factors in an equation that predicts the end of the world, and the dharma initiative was attempting to change the factors to delay the end of the world. This was explained in an ARG that took place between seasons. But also, the next episode after this has another explanation which pertains to why each number applies to each candidate.

Just realize that while the show throws a lot of lore at the audience, the intention was never to explain it all. It's primarily a show about the characters, and so the characters' journeys are the most important thing to cover. Leaving some mystery is always preferable to trying to explain everything. The writers of LOST always used midichlorians from star wars as an example of what goes wrong when you try to explain every mystery in the world.
