Review by Indigo.Noir

A Tale of Thousand Stars 2021


Review by Indigo.Noir
BlockedParent2021-07-15T22:50:04Z— updated 2021-08-16T11:33:54Z

1000 Stars or A Tale of Thousand Stars was my first Thai drama and surely not my last. I fell head over heels for it, the plot, the characters, the cast... Its OST is still on repeat. I completed it weeks ago yet I'm still not ready to move on entirely (despite watching Manner of Death, I Told Sunset About You and other dramas in the meantime).
I'm not saying 1000 Stars is perfect but it's close and I didn't actively look for flaws. Well, there's one. It's too short. The characters all made their way into my heart so quickly that it's hard to let go. I'm in for a rewatch for sure.
What captured me the most was the chemistry between Phupha and Tian and well, the setting. The countryside of Thailand is so beautiful. Looking behind the scenes (aka watching the documentaries Behind The Scenes and Counting 1 to 1000) is highly recommended to get more insight. Earth and Mix know each other for around 7 years by now and are good friends so it was probably an easy thing for them to put this on screen and I can only say that the drama benefited from this.
Mix is a newbie actor and was actually asked by Earth if he wanted to audition. He signed a contract with GMMTV so he could take the role of Tian. When you don't know this you'll probably won't believe it though because this guy can act and surely knows how to draw the viewers attention.
Comparing this drama to others does not do it justice in my opinion. It has all the elements I love in a drama. Chemistry of cast, solid production (my applause to the crew and director, I haven't seen such a dedicated crew and supportive/caring director for a while), interesting plot, character growth/development, meaningful quotes/messages. The great cast and beautiful OST complete the package.
From me this drama gets a 10 rating and a highly recommended note.

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