Shout by Sarah Yehia


Season 3

ELEMENTARY - SEASON 3 - Is Kitty Here to Stay?
I am somehow baffled by the recent addition of Ophelia Lovibond as Katheryn "Kitty" Winter: Sherlock's newest protégée whom he brought with him from London after leaving MI6 in Season 3.

For some reason I dislike her and feel that she did not add anything to the show, on the contrary she took away one of the key elements which I used to enjoy which is Holmes and Watson's partnership in everything.

In spite the fact that the character comes with a heartfelt background that makes you feel for her being a victim of a vilont crime and all.
But, I failed miserably to like her, striking me most of the time as emotionless, cocky and abtuse.
I am afraid her presence might put me off the entire show especially with the fact that Liu's presence is somehow less this season..

Anyhow that is my take on Season 3, Let's just wait and see..

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I've just had some development on my knowledge on Kitty's background, just around episode 6 where she felt 'protected' and 'loved' by Sherlock. It was a real treat to on the aspect of Sherlock's relationships and Kitty's world, that episode. Her being 'emotionless, cocky..' is actually very understandable given her tragic background (nicely unfolded, too - piece by piece, quite carefully infused into the season 3 picture) and I think very well portrayed by the actress who I find hard imagining any other taking her place. About her being 'abtuse (sic)' though (I think you might have meant 'obtuse'), I'm not so sure about that since as the further the season develops, it's revealed how sharp she really is. Sherlock refers to her as 'protegee' after all. This is my humble opinion though, and I'm still some ways from the end of the season. Nevertheless, thanks for your comment!
