Shout by David Omoba

Pig 2021

weak ass movie. just wasted 90 mins of my life. zero action. not what I was expecting. who cares about some dumb pig?? poor story line , and zero action. that's a zero star rating from me. all these superb reviews just seem suspicious? are you guys bots? did we see the same movie?

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I find it a bit ironic that caring about emotional substance more than action makes us bots.

@stephenshutters hahaha! Yeah, kids these days care only about pew pew pew, fortnite and masturbation...

@omoba-david It's not an action movie. It doesn't say action anywhere in the description. If you saw Nic Cage and assumed it was going to be some wacky action romp that's on you.

@omoba-david I am not a bot but you are not a cinema lover. Maybe you are a bot?


who cares about some dumb pig??


@omoba-david if you, flat head, just want action go and watch marvel films… and don’t bitch.

@omoba-david Looks at your ratings to see how you actually view films. Oh look 1,5,10. So the movie states that it is about a man looking for his pig. Were you expected John Wick. By the way, John Wick isn't about the dog like everyone thinks it is. If you actually watch the movie you learn its about him returning to his past life. Also, what do you consider a poor story? Funny how movies you review that have stories and are known for good stories you give them a 5. So you need your story in Golden Books form. Just five pages of dialogue and then pew pew the entire time? Everyone is entitled to their opinion but maybe don't spew your opinion if you can't actually explain what you watched. But that's alright, you are learning. Picture books, to golden books, and then maybe in a few years you can read Goosebumps. You will catch on. Damn, hope you don't have kids and they expect a story from you.

@omoba-david The movie had it's moments, but I found it fairly boring and unsatisfying. I'm sure some people can enjoy that kind of thing, but I know there's a fair number who wouldn't be into it. Hardly seems worthy of the 97/100 score it got.

@omoba-david Wow. A movie talking about how there isn't enough humanity left in the world, and you call the people who liked it robots. The irony here is deafening.

@rexton Certainly not a generational thing. They were so obsessed with masturbation in the past they made Corn Flakes, one of the most boring cereals in the world, to help curb it. And as for pew pew pew & Fortnite, there were a few more world wars to fill that void.
