The whole season is a proof that creators of the show didn't have any idea what to do after they finished with season 1, filling given number of minutes with almost unrelated, standalone episodes (which were in the end the best thing about this failed season).

The whole "host as a new species" concept (as well as the internal dialectics between Dolores and Wyatt) had so much potential, but when fifth rate Hollywood clowns grab the best of ideas, they turn them into a forgettable past-time, but with high budget visuals. Character of Man in Black is written appalingly, character of Akecheta completely wasted, Teddy's "path" couldn't be written by a lazier person, I don't understand how can a production grab so many actors of the highest profile and not utilise that coup, but lose themselves in "hah! I'm more clever than viewers" idiocies.
But I guess this is what happens when pretentious wanker like JJ Abrams has his fingers in a show. Stop giving this man so much power and money to spend ffs, he's singlehandedly ruining TV series as a medium and as a form of art.

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