This episode is greatly underrated and over criticized. It sets up many plots for seasons to come, May not be nonstop action but its an absolute must watch for the series.

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@diegogomeste You nailed it.

Yeah, this episode is more drama than action, but that's exactly what makes these kind of shows so good!

Not to imply that Game of Thrones was as well-written as The Wire, but both shows had these drawn out, seasons-long storylines that were mostly drama until the big payoff that made those seasons worth the time commitment.

Looking back at it now, 13 years later, it's kind of impressive that this single episode was able to pack in so much necessary exposition without coming off like a lazy exposition dump.

We go from Winterfell, where Cat is completely beside herself over Bran's "fall", ready to never leave his side, then Ned and Robert discussing both the Targaryen "threat" and Jon's parentage. Tyrion "schooling" Jon on what his future brothers of the Night's Watch are like, and all of them arriving at the Wall after Cat and Rodrik make their plans to head for King's Landing as stealthily as they believe they can.

We even see how both hot-headed and reasonable Robb is. He and Theon were ready to charge the gates of King's Landing when Cat mentioned her well-founded suspicions that the Lannisters were not only responsible Jon Arryn's death, but also Bran's "accident" and the attempted assassination.

Gods, as much as a bastard as he was, I have to admit that Littlefinger's machinations were as brilliantly planned and executed as he believed they would be. Convincing Lysa to poison her husband and send that message to Winterfell was an absolutely inspired false flag on Petyr's part. Giving Bran's would-be assassin his own dagger that couldn't easily be traced to anyone else was even better.

This episode really was the backbone for most of the show's biggest conflicts.
