• Of course he has a giant hologram. He literally clones himself. He's the biggest narcissist in the show

"My body is betraying me." — Adora

"Wait! But it's for science!" — Entrapta

  • Is this the comedy episode?
  • Frosta, that's a psychotic face

"A robot? Where?" — Entrapta

  • She betrayed you, because you left her. Did you guys forget that?
  • I actually didn't get that Entrapta. Please speak English
  • It's nice to get an episode that humanises the supporting cast
  • Yo, Adora's moved on from She-Ra? Eh, she'll get her back later
  • Wait, Micah can shapeshift?

We're not declining, thankfully, but we aren't great. We'll see how it goes.

SCORE: 7/10

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@clobby-clobsters She betrayed you, because you left her.
they only left her because she was not IN on the plan to save Entrapta, and wanted to use the weapon since the beginning.
