Blood Red Sky 2021


I just saw this movie, I had no idea what it was about or had any expectaions at all. And damn I got suprised. And I really liked this movie, and it keept me hooked from the begining til the end. But one question, why did they hijack the plane? Anybody that understood this? I guess we have to live with not knowing. :grin:

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@geekztor - lol no idea, felt like a plot hole that I can totally ignore because the movie was an otherwise delightful watch.

@geekztor They clearly mention that the plane was hijacked to cause an unspecified political and financial disruption. They were paid a million dollars each to hijack the plan, they created a fake conference so they could get Muslim scapegoats on the flight, and the end goal was mentioned to likely crash the stock market or affect the upcoming election but the hijackers were mercenaries without a direct incentive besides financial gain.

It seems it was likely a state funded operation to make it seem like a jihadist terror attack. The plane was preprogrammed to crash into a building in London, and a message was set to play claiming ISIS like responsibility. This could both crash the stock markets and allow certain political messages to help specific candidates.

@geekztor to crash the stock market, they said they only wanted monetary gain, and was later explained by a passenger that the stock market crashed after 9/11 so a similar effect would happen from this plane

@geekztor They wanted to crash the stock market, shorting it and gaining money that way.

@geekztor It was implied they wanted to manipulate the stock market by crashing a plane in London.

Yes, likewise!! Even the ending went different than I thought :sunglasses::thumbsup:

@geekztor They hinted in the start and mid fly, because of the stock market
