Review by TheNightWolf
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-08-04T06:38:47Z— updated 2021-08-05T07:48:28Z

For a Brains tribe, they're dumb as shit!
George had an idol, most of the group did not know he did, and wanted to vote his ass out, for good reasons I might add. If George was at least semi intelligent he would have kept it a secret, let them all put their votes on him so he didn't have to have many people voting with him (he doesn't have many anyways) and then he could have picked who HE really wanted gone and made it happen. But no, dumb ass has to show everyone so that they can still put votes on him to make him still have to play it or go home, while putting some on one of his "allies" to send them home if he does play it. I want George to go home, so, make him play it or go home, if he plays it, send his friend home and send him packing in the next tribal.

EDIT: Now that I have actually finished watching the episode, some of what I said happened but not the voting out one of George's allies, instead they were dumb enough to vote out Mitch, who would at least be a bit of their strength (and need in challenges) and for votes, instead of voting out the dead weight like Wai, also one of George's allies. Wow!

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