Definitely thought Scarlet had this in the bag.

And LOL at the 2 bottom queens trying to blow a kiss at Lemon as she walked off the stage after what went down in Untucked and Lemon (whether intentional or not) ignoring them lmao. Also, it was definitely time for the eliminated queen to go home.

The judges are making this pretty hard to watch tbh. (The preview for the next episode is scaring me already...)

I expected so much better from Brooke because I'm biased and loved her in her season, but sometimes her critiques just sound like snide comments she might say during confessionals as a contestant. Yikes.

Meanwhile, JBC... sometimes, he interacts with the queens and I think, okay, he's being nice and giving constructive criticism, maybe — then nope, he turns around and says something mean. His delivery and his judgmental face as he says it make it so much worse; it's like he's trying so hard to be the bitchier version of Simon Cowell, Idek. Hope the production team, if they were the ones who coached him through his behavior, would learn from this.

And well, the irony of the lip-sync song and their comments. Damn. Would have loved for Ilona to have mooned them during the song to prove a point lol

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