A good finale. I guess I did wanted a bit more of black and white in this show. The portrayals are great, the satire is good, but I think it needed just a bit less, just a bit less, of gray areas. Like, don't give any triumphant tone to a finale where all the rich people get away with everything.

Just to clarify, I think it's a great way to end, in a sour note, just make that sour note a bit more obvious (focus, soundtrack, etc), and not end with the liberating tone of the white kid going for his dream.

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@funger92 i guess the rich people getting away with everything and the workers being the only ones who suffer is indeed the triumphant finale. it's not a good conclusion but its what we have no? isn't that the world we live in today ?

@goncaalo I think the resolution is pretty spot on, but I just think the technical aspects of the finale could've been less portrayed as less liberating, as with the rich kid's end of arc.

@funger92 I liked the ending. The whole thing really. Felt real. The teenage boy is the only character that really showed any growth. And maybe Rachel a little too. A good example of how dicks continue to be dicks. Looking forward to another season with different guests. Felt very sorry for Belinda. Not surprised, but still sorry.

@funger92 Why do you people always have to be so obsessed with race?? Just being white does not mean that person's life is going to be better than everyone else. The extent of so called "white privilege" only goes as far as: the way the police treats you, the way other people judge you and a low likelihood of abuse because in the modern day, most white families tend to not beat their kids, while other ethnicities do, but even there, it depends.

By the way, I have gone to school with the most spoiled rich kids in the world while I was only from an upper middle class family and a large part of them weren't even white, but rather middle eastern or asian, and they were still assholes.
People often make the assumption that white families are richer but it's not really the case, because once an immigrant becomes a citizen in a first world country, they can make as much as the average white "privileged" person.
