Shout by Jeremy

The White Lotus 2021

The first five episodes, taken individually, were quite watchable. They painted the picture of a group of rich people at a hotel and the employees who had to fawn over them. The main characters were all distinct and interesting, the acting was very good, and the production value was really high. As a whole, though, when taking the finale into account, the show doesn't work either as drama or satire. As drama, it's hard to root for any of the characters, and the ones that I was rooting for botched my sympathy in the final episode. Additionally, there was very little change or growth in the characters. They all left the finale the same way they entered the premier. As satire, it was only occasionally funny, and I have a dark sense of humor. The satire wasn't sharp enough to make up for the lack of drama. That being said, if you want a show where bad people don't know they're bad and pretend to be good, and learn nothing about themselves, watch this.

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