Shout by Clobby Clobsters

Community: Season 2

2x01 Anthropology 101

  • Omg, what an intro! Troy wears Spider-Man PJs?
  • Jee whiz Jeff, that is..
  • RIP Britta
  • How does Troy post without looking at his phone?
  • Nvm, he did
  • Ayy, "Toy Story 3"!
  • Ruh roh, Jeff and Britta are screwed

"I'm hoping we can move away from the soapy relationship-y stuff and into bigger fast-paced self-contained escapades." — Abed

  • Wait, she just shot Starburns!

Uh-oh, only Jeff is screwed this episode
"Sorry, man, I gotta go where the heat is. Jeff Winger, you're a jerk." — Troy

  • Jeff, wtf
  • Oh no, they don't love each other. Wtf
  • RIP Annie
  • ABED, LMAO, he brought the entourage!

Abed: "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you cancelled."
Abed: "TV makes sense, it has structure, logic, rules, and likeable leading men. In life, we have this. We have you."

Chang: "Ha! Gay."
The meme has been found

  • I don't think this teacher is a teacher
  • Omg, Chang is Smeagle
  • I love that song

This is quite the step-up from last season already.


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Troy wears Spider-Man PJs?

Yep. That was in response to the online fan petition to cast Donald Glover as the new Spider-Man that took off earlier in 2010 (before Andrew Garfield was eventually cast). The many unhinged reactions to a black actor playing Peter Parker wound up being the inspiration to create Miles Morales. That shot of Glover stretching after waking up in those PJs is in Across the Spider-Verse for about five seconds.

Glover covered this very topic in his 2012 standup special Weirdo:
