• I love how the Marvel logo starts to look more cartoonish at the end
  • Omg, Chadwick Boseman
  • Korath is so happy to be beaten by Star-Lord, lol
  • Omg, the Watcher is actually participating in the story
  • OMG, Thanos turned good
  • They be dunking on Thanos, omg

"I've been trying to get them into counselling." — T'Challa

  • I know the Yondu voice actor is trying his best, but nobody beats Michael Rooker
  • That was easy. Good job T'Challa
  • It's Cosmo the Spacedog!
  • Howard the Duck?
  • Korath is so fun
  • Wait, did the Collector kill Korg?
  • They saved Cosmo the Spacedog!

Wakandan guard: "My friend, that sounds an awful lot like genocide."
Thanos: "No, no, no. Because it's random."
[Clicks his fingers]

  • Oh, they put a dedication for Chadwick Boseman!

What an episode! I'm loving this one more than Captain Peggy's since it's not trying to hit the same beats as "The First Avenger," and they can really do some whacky things here! It's a pleasure to hear Chadwick Boseman's voice again, and the set-up for this T'Challa is very interesting! When T'Challa was just a child, he wanted to see the world. But because of Wakanda's secrecy, his father forbids it. But after Yondu found him, he was free to roam the universe.

Thanos' character here was charming and hilarious, and the cameos by Howard the Duck and Cosmo the Spacedog were great, too. This episode is so different from the first, and I hope it continues this trend! Sticking to the beats of a better story (in my opinion) isn't ideal when we could have this original blend of an adventure!


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I don't remember the watcher participate in anything:crazy_face:


I know the Yondu voice actor is trying his best, but nobody beats Michael Rooker.

Based on the IMDb, Yondu va is Michael Rooker.

@yedoost rip me I guess. This performance sounds so different

@clobby-clobsters wait that wasn't Rooker? Sounded just like him to me.

Edit: IMDB says it was

@morphinapg nah, I'm just delusional. Eheh
