Shout by Vicente

This one’s got to be the movie with the darkest tone in the franchise. I wasn’t expecting this, even more after Mission: Impossible 2.

The action improved a lot but it’s not that dynamic yet. There’s some shootouts scenes where there isn’t a lot of content and objective, just pointless and generic shooting making it boring to watch. I was surprised when I saw J.J. Abrams’ name on the initial credits, I didn’t remember that. He does a good job.

Although Philips Seymour Hoffman doesn’t have a huge screen time, he is a great villain nonetheless. He fits the tone of the move and make his presence and threat be felt. Even with his reduced scenes, he is super scary. He could’ve been more utilised and lasted longer as well. Ethan’s confront with him had more potential and his death is a little abrupt.

I would say that this is the best entry in the franchise so far at the time of its release, but the next movies would surpass this movie in every aspect and I’m glad they did.

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