It's the little things I am enjoying about this show. Byron's Empty Glass:tm: scent. Hazel talking to Byron through the mirrors lol (and how is she so brave blatantly stealing from people out in the open, in a world with screen-less displays, are there not CCTVs everywhere? lol just a thought). Byron thinking it's his adoring little lackey's fault that Hazel left... because he didn't bring her doughnut holes. Said adoring little lackey looking horny after Bangles' show lol. The secret Simlish-like language. Diane's still f*cking creepy.

And I guess I do get how Hazel could have gotten into that situation now, can see how exciting the idea of being with someone who would get you literally anything and anywhere (sort of) you wanted, esp. if you were someone who realistically didn't seem like was headed anywhere close any time soon. How could she have known she would get stuck inside a box with a narcissistic control freak with no social skills beyond 'I can buy you and everything you want' and idk taking Gaslighting 101? I am glad Hazel at least somewhat questioned it: "But I don't know you." "Isn't that the exciting part?" - I do think even considering this should only apply to potential relationships though, but marriage... honey, no. In dearest Elsa's words, "You can't marry a man you just met."

And holy crap that last scene. Byron is the adult equivalent of a child who'd rather see their toy broken than let someone else have it (in this case, than to let the girl run free).

I am wondering how and why Byron chose Hazel though.. Did he somehow stumble into her scams, or did he see her one day by complete (unlucky) chance? Did he just see her as someone he could easily manipulate, or was he really just delusional enough that he "fell in love" with Hazel just by looking at her and her records? Why was he in such a rush? Was he looking for a wife for the sole purpose of Made for Love?

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@ahysanti regarding what he saw in Hazel: probably a smart and resourceful girl who is easily impressed and has no strong ties or prospects, therefore can be instantly removed from her current life without making much of a mess, and without her missing said old life. She was a grey smalltown girl with almost no relatives, thus he could turn her into anything he wanted without consequences (or so he thought).
