The elimination was total bullshit! Anne blew off Joseph's choice because she didn't know how to make a simple crepe, then has all these directions to make HER dish! On top of that, SHE said NOT to strain the miso - - notice she did NOT admit that in front of the judges! So HE gets eliminated? BULLSHIT!

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@ewingdav Although I agree with what you said about Anne, I think they still made the right call, Joseph's dish was the worst, hence he goes home. He is supposed to know how to cook, he knew that he was making a broth and therefore strain it, she said no but he knows that no one wants crap in the broth. He should know how to steam fish, he overcooked it. He said that he should have spoken up, well he hardly spoke at all, he couldn't do the challenge and made the worst dish, that's his fault, he has to own his own shit, if he knew or wanted certain things done then he should speak and put his input in, but he didn't. No, he shouldn't have stuck to what he wanted to do, that would have been selfish as well (Yes, Anne should know how to make a crepe) but regardless, you're a team, Joseph didn't agree with Anne idea, quickly try to compromise and come to a consensus. Anne's idea sucked, but Joseph went along with it. If Joseph made his at least better than Anne's then she would have went home. I hope that we can enjoy the next episode and the rest of this season.
